A couple of weeks ago I found a little table at our town´s antique fair.
It had seen better times, but overall it was in good condition and I liked the lines.
Can you see its potential? With its curvy legs and strong built it was the perfect candidate for turning it into a little bench or stool.
Especially since the top “tiles” weren´t really my taste anyway.
A few days later I went to the home improvement store to gather my supplies:
- Fabric
- White Paint
- A Paint Roller
- A Sponge for buffing up
- Foam
I already have an upholstery stapler.
This weekend I finally got work, by first roughing up the wood and cleaning the stool.
Next I added 1 layer of paint …
… then a second layer …
… and finally a third layer of white paint …
Patience is key. I started on Friday night, added the second layer on Saturday morning and the final layer on Saturday afternoon.
Next, I started thinking about how to add the foam and fabric.
As you can see from the above picture, I initially thought about just adding a small pad to the top, but then I decided on taking the fabric all aroung the stool. I forgot to take a picture, but I simply added another layer foam the size of the entire stool to the top. Then I added my fabric, flipped the stool over and started stapling.
Here is how the stool looked like mid-way through. Unfortunately at that point all of my staples were used up and I had to wait to get new ones.
Finally, after another couple of days, I was able to get more staples and to finish the foot stool.
Linked up here:
- Pinterest Challenge at YHL
- Pinterest Challenge at Bower Power
This is so cute! I love the fabric!