Quite a lot has changed since I wrote the sentences below. My family has completed an international move from the United States to Germany, started new jobs, and is still working on really settling in our new apartment. There is a lot to be done to really get organized and to feel at home. Our house plans (see below) have been pushed back for obvious reasons but organizing our new apartment is in full swing. Maybe you would like to follow me along as I tackle our space one weekend at a time.
"Today is a very rainy Saturday afternoon, and while my hubby and the "baby" are sleeping I had the idea to start something meaningful for our lives. So while I was enjoying a cup of coffee with homemade waffles and berries, I decided that I could go back to blogging about everything that is going on in our lives.
Two years ago our son was born very premature at only 2lbs. I used to blog about our experiences trying to deal with this completely new to us situation. But with time, our son got bigger and healthier and I had far less to write about.
But today I started to feel the itch again. Since I won't have too many preemie stories to share, I thought I would write about what is going on in out lives right now:
Living on a budget. We would love to buy a house a year or two from now, and therefore we are carefully watching were our pennies go. At the same time, I still want to create memories for our family at our current apartment.
Feel free to follow us on our journey to owning a house, while still enjoying life creatively."